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Chasing Fireflies
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    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)


    Posts : 100
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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Camila Melodía
    Blog/Website: http://camilamelodia.blogspot.com
    Status: can sing Jap, Span, Eng and has vcv functionality.

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by yesi-chan Wed Feb 10, 2010 1:17 am

    Before you begin reading it's very important that you know the rules about making an UTAUloid. I'll list them below, and I found them in this guide to make your own UTAUloid which you can download here.

    "You may enjoy yourself, but do not break the law or violate somebody else's rights.

    All "UTAU" users must follow these rules!!
    •Don't create voice bank from a real singer's voice without permission.
    •Don't create voice bank from a real actor/actress's voice without permission.
    •Don't create voice bank from a real voice actor/actress's voice without permission.
    •Don't create voice bank from the output of “Vocaloid” products, which explicitly forbid such a usage.
    •Don't create voice bank from the output of other voice synthesizers without permission.
    Breaking the rules will result in the accusation against you, and may even Mr. 飴屋/菖蒲 (Ameya/Ayame) as an accomplice.
    Such a situation will terminate the free "UTAU" world and should be avoided definitely.

    I'm assuming you all have the English patch for UTAU, if you don't go to the downloads section and download it. Also there's a new version for UTAU 2.61 here.
    Here are some reclists http://bit.ly/HiraRomaListsCV_VCV
    full short and CV lists Hiragana>Romaji courtesy of YoruIkusane
    Well in UTAU go to Tools > Voicebank Settings (or ctrl G) and you get this window. Configure everything by following the explanation below and using your own judgement and then click OK and the oto.ini file is AUTOMATICALLY created in your selected voicebank.

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) 2rh751j

    Alias is the alternative name you will give your samples. If you saved your wav files as romaji, type the hiragana as the alias. If you saved your wav files as hiragana, type the romaji as the alias.

    Offset is the parameter of the blue highlight thing from the left. Basically you can cover any blank space on your wav file or any weird sound from your recording with this and it wont be heard when you make your UTAU sing.

    Consonant is the parameter of the pink highlight thing. Anything you cover with this will not be altered when the note is stretched in UTAU.

    Cuttoff is the parameter of the blue highlight from the right. Just cover any blank space after your recording with this or anything that is not consistent with the rest of your recording at the end.

    Preutter is the parameter of the red line. Put this at the end of the consonant in your recording. When you select the red line in the editor you will notice it says "top of note" this is basically how soon the note will begin to sound when you make your UTAUloid sing. This parameter shortens the lenght of the preceding note.

    Overlap is the parameter of the green line. This parameter defines the length of utterance extention of the *preceding* note in milliseconds. Sometimes this parameter isn't needed at all but when the consonant is too long I usually put this at the middle of the consonant in the recording. With this you are assigning how soon the note with this sample will overlap with the previous note.

    On that window, select the sample you are going to configure then click on "Launch editor". You should see a window with your wav file. Then you can move around some parameters that will write in the numbers of the oto.ini. Basically it should look something like this.

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) 307nuk7

    In summary the blue covers all that you don't want to be heard, or you can use it to cut off empty space. The pink covers the area that you don't want to be manipulated when you stretch a note so cover the consonant and part of the vowel. The green line determines when the note will overlap with the previous note (it shortens the previous note too) and the red line says how much it will get ahead. Just place the green bar in the middle of the consonant and the red bar at the end of the consonant.

    Also the highlighter like things are hidden drag the red and green lines first then you'll be able to drag the pink thing and after you drag the pink you can drag the blue. You can also drag the pink and blue before dragging the green and red lines by clicking on the leftmost corner where there is no green or red line visible. Also if you drag from the right, you immediately get the blue highlight thing.

    Oh something else I was told (I believe it was Nami who figured this out) On the editor window (where you drag everything around) there is a button with a "P" on it. If you click on that it'll let you listen to the sound once configured.

    Configuring the oto.ini for a VCV voicebank

    First you need to get recording so here is a short list by YoruIkusane: Short VCV list

    It took me a while to finally understand how to configure the oto.ini of a VCV voicebank but thanks to mianaito's help I finally understand how.
    Here is what he basically told me "Essence of VCV configuration is: 1)overlap=end of 1st Vowel 2)preutter=end of Consonant. Consonant lenght is not important."
    So basically you can start the configuration by setting the consonat lenght and the Cuttoff with fixed values then fix the rest as needed so that it looks something like this:

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) 2yjv3uh

    When mianaito helped me configure Camila's VCV he started with the consonant as 420 and the cuttoff as -700. You can use SetParam (which comes with OREMO) to edit those in bulk.


    This is a program that comes with the OREMO download (so the translation works as well :D) It is used to edit the oto.ini file. You can write the numbers directly on the list that appears but you can also edit it visually like with utau. However to do that you need to know a few keyboard commands:

    F1 & mouse: move the offset (Left Blank)
    F2 & mouse: move the overlap (Ovl)
    F3 & mouse: move the preutterance (Pre)
    F4 & mouse: move the Consonant
    F5 & mouse: move the cuttoff (Right Blank)
    Spacebar: listen to sample
    O: Pitch guide

    Special Thanks to mianaito and yuuboku for looking over this tutorial and helping me complete it Smile also thanks to YoruIkusane for providing the short VCV list.

    A little something extra

    Did you ever wonder how to change the Default UTAUloid that appears when you open UTAU? Go to Project > Project Property and the rest just follow this image Smile

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) 2599vtu

    //============TRADUCCIÓN AL ESPAÑOL======================
    (perdonen la falta de acentos, el text editor que utilizé para escribir la traducción antes de copiarla aquí se comió todos los acentos y sólo arreglé los del principio ^^Wink
    Antes de comenzar es bien importante que conozcan las reglas a seguir para hacer un UTAUloid. Aqui estan traducidas, que las saque de esta guia "How To Create your own UTAU voice bank.

    "Pueden divertirse pero no violen la ley o los derechos de otras personas.
    !!Todos los usuarios de "UTAU" deben seguir estas reglas!!
    ?No creen una libreria(voicebank) con la voz de un cantante real sin su permiso.
    ?No creen una libreria con la voz de un actor/actriz real sin su permiso.
    ?No creen una libreria con la voz de un actor/actriz de voz real sin su persmiso.
    ?No creen una libreria con la voz de un Vocaloid, los mismos productos lo prohiben.
    ?No creen una libreria con un sintetizador de voz sin permiso.
    Si violan estas reglas pueden ser acusados y tambien el Sr. 飴屋/菖蒲 (Ameya/Ayame) como complice.
    En dicho caso, "UTAU" dejara de ser distribuido gratis por lo tanto NO LO HAGAN!

    Estoy presumiendo que tienen el patch de Ingles de UTAU sino bajenlo de aquí.
    Aquí tienen unas listas de grabación http://bit.ly/HiraRomaListsCV_VCV Lista completa y corta de CV en Hiragana > Romaji cortesía de YoruIkusane

    Para crear el oto.ini en UTAU vayan a Tools > Voicebank Settings (o opriman ctrl G) y les aparecera esta ventana. Configuren todo siguiendo la siguiente explicacion y usando su propio juicio luego opriman "OK" para guardar los "settings".

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) 2rh751j

    Alias es el nombre alterno que le das a tus sonidos. Si tienes los archivos wav en romaji, pon el hiragana como el alias y viceversa.

    Offset es el parametro azul de la izquierda. Cubre los espacios en blanco en tu .wav o cualquier sonido raro en tu grabacion. Basicamente cubre todo lo que no quieres que se escuche cuando hagas a tu UTAU cantar.

    Consonant es el parametro rosa. Todo lo que cubras no sera alterado cuando estires la nota en UTAU.

    Cuttoff es el parametro azul de la derecha. Cubre es espacio en blanco al final de tu grabacion o lo que suene raro. Basicamente lo que no queires que se escuche.

    Preutter es el parametro de la linea roja. Ponga esto al final de la consonante en su grabación. Cuando seleccione la linea roja en el editor verá que dice "top of note" que significa cuan pronto la nota comenzará a sonar cuando haga que su UTAUloid cante. Este parámetro acorta el largo de la nota anterior. 

    Overlap es el parametro de la linea verde. Define el largo del sonido de la nota anterior en milisegundos. A veces no necesitas utilizar este parametro pero si la consonante es muy larga yo normalmente lo pongo en el mismo medio de la consonante.

    Para ver estos parametros, en esa misma ventana seleccionen el "sample" que quieren configurar y denle click a "Launch editor". Luego veran una pantalla con el archivo wav y pueden mover los parametros para asignarle los numeros del oto.ini. Se supone que se vea mas o menos asi:

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) 307nuk7

    Los parametros azules y rosa estan escondidos. Si no saben como moverlos primero muevan las lineas rojas y verdes y luego podran mover lo rosado y luego lo azul.

    Otra cosita (que aprendi de Nami :D), en la ventana del editor, si presionan el botton que dice "P" podran escuchar su "sample" ya configurado.

    Como configurar el oto.ini para una libreria VCV

    Primero que todo necesitan la lista de silabas. Aqui tienen la lista mas corta gracias a YoruIkusane: Short VCV list

    Gracias a la ayuda de mianaito por fin entiendo los VCV xD.
    Esto es basicamente lo que me dijo "La esencia de la configuracion VCV es: 1)overlap=final de la primera vocal 2)preutter=final de la consonante. El largo de la consonante (parametro rosa) no importa."
    Basicamente empieza la configuracion dandole valores iniciales al parametro de consonante y al "cuttoff" y luego arreglan lo demas. Deberia verse algo asi:

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) 2yjv3uh

    Cuando mianaito me ayudo a configurar el VCV de Camila comenzo con 420 en la consonate y -700 en el "cuttoff". Pueden utilizar SetParam (viene con OREMO) para editar esos valores todos de cantaso.


    Este programa viene con OREMO por lo tanto la traduccion funciona tambien :D) Se utiliza para editar el oto.ini. Puedes editar el oto.ini escribiendo los numeros o visualmente como en UTAU. Para hacer eso necesitan saber unos comandos del teclado:

    F1 & mouse: mueve el offset de la izquierda (Left Blank)
    F2 & mouse: mueve el overlap (Ovl)
    F3 & mouse: mueve el preutterance (Pre)
    F4 & mouse: mueve la Consonante
    F5 & mouse: mueve el cuttoff (Right Blank)
    Spacebar: escuchar el "sample"
    O: Pitch guide (Guia de Tono)

    Muchas gracias a minaito y yuuboku por verificar este tutorial y ayudarme a completarlo Smile tambien gracias a YoruIkusane por la lista corta de VCV.

    Algo extra

    Si quieren saber como cambiar el UTAUloid que aparece cuando abres UTAU vayan a Project > Project Property y luego sigan esta imagen Smile

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) 2599vtu

    //===========ABOUT OTHER TRANSLATIONS===================

    Unfortunately I'm limited to only knowing English and Spanish so I can't translate in any other language. But if anyone knows and can translate please do so and let me know so I can add it here. Also it might help if people commented which language they need to be able to understand the tutorial. I translated it to Spanish because I have a lot of friends who have UTAUloids and speak Spanish but their English isn't very good so if you know of any other languages please let it be known and help with the translation!

    Last edited by yesi-chan on Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:04 am; edited 10 times in total

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: MAVloid. CO, "ZSloids".
    Status: Most In Progress

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Carnivoro Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:02 pm

    Thank you ever-so-much, Yesi-chan! This really helps.

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Camila Melodía
    Blog/Website: http://camilamelodia.blogspot.com
    Status: can sing Jap, Span, Eng and has vcv functionality.

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by yesi-chan Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:13 am

    glad to see it's useful ^^ If there is something you don't understand or I didn't explain well please let me know :D

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: OS Models & MS Models
    Blog/Website: http://project-vista.blogspot.com
    Status: Vista: ACT 2 BETA; Mahoune Emi: OTOs being done by Arissa

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by xLei Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:48 am

    Did I mention I love you so for this?

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    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Ikiru Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:32 pm


    Primero que todo, GRACIAS por publicar esta guía del UTAU, tanto en español como en inglés. Simplemente muchas gracias *-*

    Aparte, te quería comentar que en un parte del tutorial en español hay un error en la explicación del Preutter. Al principio se leen las primeras palabras bien, pero luego continúa la explicación en inglés. Tuvo que haber un error de redacción o algo por ahí Neutral

    Thank you! Danke! ありがとう! 谢谢! ¡Gracias! *o*

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Camila Melodía
    Blog/Website: http://camilamelodia.blogspot.com
    Status: can sing Jap, Span, Eng and has vcv functionality.

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by yesi-chan Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:52 am

    oops lo arreglo rápido! (I'll fix that quickly)

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    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Ikiru Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:30 am

    Wow, so fast Shocked

    Thank you! ^^

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Kyoko & Kyo
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    Post by Ringo Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:42 pm

    <3 Biu~~
    So uselful <3

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    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by えりあす Sun May 09, 2010 9:02 am

    Thank you yesi-chan.This tutorial give me a lot of help for create my UTAUloid

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Noteloid polyproject
    Status: Harune Nanami - going to be ACT3,Solid append in progress

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Noteloid Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:58 am

    I'm going to tell you a fact about preutter:
    It ruins your voicebank if you put the red line before the vowel said.Or it sings only the consonant or makes scratchy noises.

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    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty um?

    Post by GyoukoneNega Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:53 pm

    i tried to download things but the link never worked? DX confused

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Speedy
    Blog/Website: http://fastspeedy.deviantart.com/
    Status: Complete [Japanese]

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by FastSpeedy Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:00 pm

    Hi! I'm making an Utauloid. I recorded everything and started working on the VB like you explain.

    I didn't finish all the syllabes in the oto.ini, but some I finished. So I tried to put the ones I finish on UTAU to test them.

    But they don't work. I mean, when I play it, I get a very short noise for every syllabe... what I may be doing wrong?

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:45 pm

    ^ screen shot your oto for me :'D

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    Status: Complete [Japanese]

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by FastSpeedy Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:52 pm


    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:56 pm

    uhh, in editor preferrably. xD I can't see if you have it correct unless you show me the editor in voicebank settings. Just screen one of your oto'd sounds for me. like, ka, or ba, or something.

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    Blog/Website: http://fastspeedy.deviantart.com/
    Status: Complete [Japanese]

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by FastSpeedy Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:11 pm

    Sorry! ^^'
    Here: http://puu.sh/7DS

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:04 am

    well, it looks right. D':

    HMM MAN.
    what do you mean by it giving short noises? what ust are you using...? Did you clear the cache before playing? I know when I play something, then I fix the oto, then right click and play again, it won't change anything. Try draging the notes up, then back down to their original place and render.

    im sorry, im asking you so many questions to answer yours. I cant know what's goin' on without you tellin' me stuffs. xD

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Speedy
    Blog/Website: http://fastspeedy.deviantart.com/
    Status: Complete [Japanese]

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by FastSpeedy Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:46 am

    Luna wrote:well, it looks right. D':

    HMM MAN.
    what do you mean by it giving short noises? what ust are you using...? Did you clear the cache before playing? I know when I play something, then I fix the oto, then right click and play again, it won't change anything. Try draging the notes up, then back down to their original place and render.

    im sorry, im asking you so many questions to answer yours. I cant know what's goin' on without you tellin' me stuffs. xD

    I would show you what I mean, but I can't render those short noises. It gives me a message when I try to render, and it doesn't render at all. I'm not using any ust. Since I wanted to try and see how the voice sounds, I just put some random notes. Where do I clear the cache?

    Also, does the fact that the OTO is not completely done change something? I mean, I didn't finish all the notes, but the ones I tried to test were done.

    And it's ok. It's hard to explain the problem without a recording or such...

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:29 am

    well, hmm.
    Not having a complete oto doesnt do anything to it.
    I think you should download a UST and try your voicebank with that, and see how it works.
    in the bottom left corner of editor, there's a little squiggly line. Idk what to call it, so its a squiggly line. Click on that and see if there's an exclamation point over the notes that wont render.

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Valen Sodebades
    Blog/Website: www.youtube.com/user/irei1as
    Status: Almost there... but kinda failed

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by irei1as Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:35 am

    I had a similar problem. It's because "resampler.exe" didn't work well with my computer.
    But using the "resampler.dll" option of the new UTAU ("new UTAU" in that time) fixed it and now I'm able to run the program.

    But no idea if this is your issue.

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    Blog/Website: http://fastspeedy.deviantart.com/
    Status: Complete [Japanese]

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by FastSpeedy Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:55 am

    Oh! I changed the "resampler.exe" to the "resampler10.dll", and now it's working! Thanks, guys!

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    UTAUloid or Project: Matsukaze Shira
    Status: well.. still stand on zero?

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Fia Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:36 pm

    sorry, but what is reclist?
    I'm kinda new in UTAU, so..
    Chasing Fireflies
    Chasing Fireflies

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Kazuko Yonagine & Toby Osbourne
    Blog/Website: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZettaSloooow
    Status: Kazuko: VCVs in progress~ Toby: ACT1 released, waiting for CZ's English reclist...

    How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started) Empty Re: How to make an UTAUloid (something to help get you started)

    Post by Chasing Fireflies Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:46 pm

    A reclist is a list of the syllables that you're going to record (even if you're not using OREMO it's really helpful to have one nearby when you're recording). If you're using OREMO, the syllables in the reclist will be your filenames, so if you want your UTAU to have romaji filenames, you'll want to make sure you're using a romaji reclist.

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    UTAUloid or Project: Yuugi Hakune/Nubia
    Blog/Website: http://utauonline.com/yuugi/
    Status: Yuugi: Act 2 Released/Nubia: CV/VC Recorded

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    Post by smeen Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:08 am

    Meh, what Chase says. I use a reclist even if I use Audacity.

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Matsukaze Shira
    Status: well.. still stand on zero?

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    Post by Fia Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:54 am

    oh, thanks for the explanation!

    I just checked the oremo reclist, and there's br1, br2, br3, and br4. what do they mean?

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