Well, I like to pair:
Tesuto x Lullaby
Tony x Tei
Camila x Yue (what, she and Ayame ended their relationship, okay? ><)
Luna x Len
Aiko x Mathieu (hate sex anyone? 8'D Only way it'd ever work XD)
Ichiro x Coco (aww, blue and pink :3)
Seon x Deon (erm, onesided; I think she does like him ^w^)
KAMINARI x all overseas shotas (except Yuuta and Mugen; also, this is purely for fun XD)
LOKE x Anaka (but more as an one-sided thing; I don't really like jerk!LOKE Mae writes, but I think he doesn't love Anaka for other reasons; maybe still missing his wife has to do with that...)
I forgot who else I pair, OMG D:
Huh, who do you guys pair? ^^'