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Yume Barauta
산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi)
Chasing Fireflies
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33 posters

    Modern UTAU RP


    Posts : 862
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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Aline Enbukyoku
    Blog/Website: ASK VB DL VIA PM
    Status: V1 Complete, V2 awaiting

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Aline Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:28 am

    (I'll try to only play as Aline on the start... But I may choose other characters after that, right?)

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Kyan Niiro
    Blog/Website: http://moresporesplz.deviantart.com/
    Status: Sex now?

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Spores Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:55 am

    "oh, Hello um, how is everyone?" Kyan said rather tiredly seeing as she just woke up from her nap.

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    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Aisu Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:39 am

    Mayu flashed a smile at Kenji - "Why yes, I am." She didn't even ask how'd he know. "Nice to meet you, Kazuko, Kenji, Sora!" she said, looking at each person she named in order.

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: MiSS SAiYA
    Blog/Website: http://misssaiya.blogspot.com/
    Status: ACT1 -Small Edits- Finding a better microphone for VCV ACT 2

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Yanyu Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:38 pm

    Loading, loading. Target spotting. Beam, activation: ready. The words passed her eyes, Inku smirked. This was the end, this would stop the noise~ She would rule this house and oh the ideas she had for this house and it's brilliant high-tech toaster.

    "Oh~ You've just woke up? I don't think we've met Miss~" OH MAI GOSH SHE KNEW THAT VOICE. She would of hyperventilated if she wasn't a super awesome high-tech android. Her eyes locked onto God. She lowered her arm... and shut down her laser.

    "....a-ah..." Inku stumbled over words and the wire on top of her head swooned. He smiled at the Kyan girl (grrrr Mad ) He-he's turning around!!

    "...Inku, what are you doing over there? You'll never make friends like that." Oh gosh. Thank god she wasn't a lowly human. Infa and her godly body had just spoke to her~ and oh the awesomeness (fake) feeling it gave her.

    (Why am I getting insulted by something I'm writing...? I'm so sorry about lame Inku's personality...*islaserbeamed*)
    산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi)
    산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi)

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: 歌音山将
    Blog/Website: http://kimsansyo.blog128.fc2.com/blog-entry-3.html
    Status: JP Renzoku + KR Ryeonsok

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by 산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi) Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:15 pm

    Shou finally arrived at the mansion; and he was fidgeting out of anticipation as he walked to his designated room. This place was certainly big, but then again, the English-speaking community is probably bigger than Korea and Japan's combined... right?

    In the Korean community, everybody was really formal and polite to each other... Shou missed how funny and odd the English speakers acted, so he decided to come here.

    Up ahead of him, Shou saw some sort of commotion going on. A bunch of Overseas introducing themselves? Great! Shou rudely interrupted whatever they were saying to introduce himself as well. (Ahhh! How much he missed being rude~! *U* <33)

    "Annyeong hasae--"
    ...Eh?! Why was he speaking in Korean? He tried thinking up an English way to introduce himself... but no luck. It's been so long since he needed to speak English to anyone, he must've forgot how!

    Shou awkwardly scratched the back of his head and bowed,
    "Konnichyasaeyo! Boku no namae Shou ya. Ore kankokujin, dashi minnasama ya... yoroshiku onegai shimasuya! ETC etc.."
    He doubted any of them knew how to speak Korean, but since UTAU is a japanese program, they should be able to understand BASIC japanese, right, right? 8u8

    (Shou's speaking some strange mix of Kansai dialect and Korean, fyi. C': )

    Posts : 1353
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    Age : 29

    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Project CX-Loid (Crossloid)
    Blog/Website: www.crossloids.webs.com
    Status: ACT 1 of Kenji Baionoto released at website above, constantly being updated

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by LupinAKAFlashTH2 Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:34 pm

    Kenji looked at the boy. He had next no no idea what he was saying, but in his head he translated part of it as "My name is Shou."
    "Er... Are you trying to say "My name is Shou"?" he said, awkwardly. He wasn't sure what language he was speaking, but he was pretty sure he was trying to say at least that.
    산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi)
    산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi)

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: 歌音山将
    Blog/Website: http://kimsansyo.blog128.fc2.com/blog-entry-3.html
    Status: JP Renzoku + KR Ryeonsok

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by 산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi) Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:50 pm

    Shou almost cried out of sheer joy.
    "Anata hanasu ilpongo desha? 8u8"

    Shou dropped and hugged the strangers legs.
    "I forgot how to speak english, please translate for me!!"
    What? ...Shou awkwardly paused. Embarassingly enough, it seems like his English just needed a few moments to get itself good and running again...

    He got up and made an apologetic bow. Shou made a proper introduction in english. His name's Shou, he's from Korea, and despite his voice and measurements, he's 17 this year.

    Posts : 113
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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Kyan Niiro
    Blog/Website: http://moresporesplz.deviantart.com/
    Status: Sex now?

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Spores Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:37 pm

    "Oh well Hello there Inku how are you. Good I hope."Kyan said as she yawned.
    She then turned around to see what the commotion was about to the left of her. It seamed some Korean kid was going on and yammering about something in Korean.

    Posts : 882
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    Age : 30
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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Hachi Makune & Ichiro Makune
    Blog/Website: http://makunefamily.blogspot.com/
    Status: Doing....Nothing

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Misha Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:12 pm

    Erm, Hachi, I don't think this is the best idea you've ever had. No, far from it." Ichiro said as he followed Hachi around the house. Hachi shrugged as she looked for a water pipe. She let out a smile as she found one and began filling up the four mini water balloons.

    "You say that about all my ideas." retorted Hachi. When she finished, she raced back around mansion, Ichiro following behind. After combing the mansion for a few minutes, Hachi soon heard voices. Key word being voices. That meant she could attack more people. Hiding behind the corner, she readied her arm.

    "Good lord Hachi."
    All Ichiro could do was sigh as he watched the water balloons assault the crowd. Not the best first impression on Hachi's part. He just hoped they wouldn't hate him for this too.

    Posts : 1353
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    Join date : 2010-01-18
    Age : 29

    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Project CX-Loid (Crossloid)
    Blog/Website: www.crossloids.webs.com
    Status: ACT 1 of Kenji Baionoto released at website above, constantly being updated

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by LupinAKAFlashTH2 Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:21 pm

    Kenji's ears, which he pressed into his hair, twitched slightly. He looked to the corner, where he saw an arm- and 4 water ballons.
    "Ah- Hey watch out!" he said jumping in front of everyone else. Why do I feel this is too chivalrous? he thought to himself, as the balloons flew towards him.

    Posts : 113
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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Kyan Niiro
    Blog/Website: http://moresporesplz.deviantart.com/
    Status: Sex now?

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Spores Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:26 pm

    Kyan said screaming with rage.
    Kyan said soaking with water her jump suit sticking to her, Kyan had never been a very water friendly person.

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    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by 0N0R0loids Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:53 pm

    Kaleo was about to correct the girl in calling him by "Sora", which was his last name, when out of the corner of his eye he saw kenji's hair... no, something inside his hair, twitch. Then, suddenly, The sound of things whizzing through the air, and Kenji jumped in front of everyone with his arms outstretched. Kaleo quickly looked around him, and saw four water ballons coming quickly toward them.

    "oh dear...", then, another sound. Like concrete being blown apart. "even worse..."

    A young lady came vaulting into the window on a "Yield" sign (that she'd ripped out of the street just earlier), screaming like an amazon warrior. She swung the sign out then, slapping the balloons back to their thrower.

    Then, ignoring everybody else, she ran to Kaleo.

    "kaleo! My darling, you could've been hurt!"
    , she said.

    "they were just balloo-", Kaleo started, but he was cut off by a tackle hug from the mysterious lady.

    "'Ailana...please...get off....your crushing my lungs..."

    Posts : 1353
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    Age : 29

    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Project CX-Loid (Crossloid)
    Blog/Website: www.crossloids.webs.com
    Status: ACT 1 of Kenji Baionoto released at website above, constantly being updated

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by LupinAKAFlashTH2 Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:15 pm

    Kenji had been frozen from the utter shock of someone knocking BALLOONS away. "...Those should have popped, right?" he said to himself, obviously not caring about what was happening right now. He then ran after the balloons to find a female girl, now soaking wet, along with a slightly older-looking male, who had been standing behind her. He stared at them in disbelief, and, without asking their name, pointed at the girl and said, "...You like the Macne family, don't you?"

    This was probably the most random question he could ask at this point in time. The three just stared at each other in almost no understanding of what just happened and why.

    Last edited by LupinAKAFlashTH2 on Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 882
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    Age : 30
    Location : in your buttocks

    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Hachi Makune & Ichiro Makune
    Blog/Website: http://makunefamily.blogspot.com/
    Status: Doing....Nothing

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Misha Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:17 pm

    ( uh, well, technically they already hit, seen in Spores post ^____^;; And wouldn't they have exploded on impact xD

    pffff, Kenji posted right before I did orz )

    Posts : 1353
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    Age : 29

    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Project CX-Loid (Crossloid)
    Blog/Website: www.crossloids.webs.com
    Status: ACT 1 of Kenji Baionoto released at website above, constantly being updated

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by LupinAKAFlashTH2 Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:19 pm

    (Well, let's pretend ONE of them hit Kyan and all the rest were hit by Aliana)

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    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by 0N0R0loids Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:21 pm

    (oh FFFFFFFFF- sorry!!! i didnt see the post... it took me a while to write something, she must have posted while i was writing. and yes... magical un-popping balloons.... OTL)

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Hachi Makune & Ichiro Makune
    Blog/Website: http://makunefamily.blogspot.com/
    Status: Doing....Nothing

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Misha Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:27 pm

    ( horrible luck she has xD. I hope it's ok to say that some people got a little wet while Kyan get the grand majority of it )

    "FFFFFFF WHAT IS THIS!" Hachi let out a growl as only one of her balloons managed to land, only getting the others slightly wet, one or two not yet at all. Not to mention, she got the back draft, now soaking wet. Ichiro barely had any water what so ever on him. "Bunch of bull crap..." Hachi grumbled.

    "...You like the Macne family, don't you?"

    Hachi looked up at the speaker. "Y - yes, I do. They're my idols." Hachi stared at him, wasn't he angry at her? Whatever, Kyan on the other hand, well, let's just say that Hachi was in flight mode.

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Kyan Niiro
    Blog/Website: http://moresporesplz.deviantart.com/
    Status: Sex now?

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Spores Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:15 pm

    (cause Im quick >:D)
    As Kyan started to ring out her hair and shake like a dog she saw that the assailant had gotten most of the arsenal thrown back at her she couldn't help but chuckle.
    It was this little yellow puff-ball,kinda short too~

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    Blog/Website: hideki782.deviantart.com
    Status: Lock has been released~

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Tsumanne Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:13 am

    "That's wierd, nobody's answering," Fuyu said, "but I hear a commotion inside."

    "Door is open," Kii pointed out, before opening it further to look inside. "Dare demo jitaku desu ka? Anybody home?" She called out, her silver eyes scanning the inside.

    "Are you sure Mother sent us to the right place?" Viai asked, "Oh, and should we be watching Kii? She just went inside."

    "Hello? Hello? Anyone home?" Kii wandered inside the mansion, hoping to look for someone. She dashed around the hallways and in and out random rooms.
    산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi)
    산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi)

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: 歌音山将
    Blog/Website: http://kimsansyo.blog128.fc2.com/blog-entry-3.html
    Status: JP Renzoku + KR Ryeonsok

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by 산쇼씨 (Sansyo-ssi) Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:31 am

    Luckily Shou turned to find his room just in time to avoid the imminent waterbalooning. (Yay~ yay~)

    "...I forgot the weird things English speakers did... until just now."
    He was already on his way when he heard the disastrous splashing of the waterbaloons and warcries behind him.

    Shou was unpacking in his room. Pictures with his Korean friends, Miru, Darling and Kangda were all over his dresser; his were kneesocks all put up, and all other sorts of girly Kei outfits stashed away in closet. Shou was changing into his afternoon outfit when all of a sudden he heard a stranger open his roomdoor.

    "Dare wa nani ya? Boku wa huku o kigateiyaaa~"

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: AU-loids
    Blog/Website: hideki782.deviantart.com
    Status: Lock has been released~

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Tsumanne Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:33 am

    "Gomennasai!" Kii quickly closed the door she had opened, which lead to someone's room, and dashed off somewhere else.

    Meanwhile, Fuyu and Viai were wondering if they should go in and find her.

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: AS-17
    Blog/Website: http://as-17.blogspot.com
    Status: ACT2: English/German/Japanese Beta testing

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by extremeclay Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:12 pm

    Hahenko slowly shuffled out of one of the many doors down the hall, and out into the hall. There was yelling going on, it seemed, and it had woken her from her nap. She rubbed her eye, as she shuffled around.
    "Whu...," The blond UTAU was saying, when Kii ran past her, nearly into her. In response, Hahenko squealed loudly, and jumped back.

    Taisei then jumped out of the room after hearing the squeal.
    "What's going on here!?" He yelled. Hahenko was about to respond, but Taisei fell to the floor asleep again. Hahenko sweat-dropped.

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Aline Enbukyoku
    Blog/Website: ASK VB DL VIA PM
    Status: V1 Complete, V2 awaiting

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Aline Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:34 pm

    Aline reached the place, just to see a water balloon war happening. She facepalmed, and sighed in disbelief. "Why do I have the impression I know who caused it?" She said, while looking at everyone. She kept her eyes in one very specific person.

    "MAKUNE HACHI!" She shouted, having a cold expression shortly after that. She knew the girl meant trouble, and was going to ask her what was going on, even though she already knew it.

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Hachi Makune & Ichiro Makune
    Blog/Website: http://makunefamily.blogspot.com/
    Status: Doing....Nothing

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Misha Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:04 pm


    Hachi nearly jumped three feet in the air when she heard that oh so familiar voice. But wait, if she was here, perhaps... Hachi looked around wildly yet didn't see the person she hoped for. Whatever, she could tune out Aline at this point.

    "Sorry Aline, I tried to stop her, but she totally ignored me." Ichiro rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed by the scene Hachi had caused.

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    UTAU Information
    UTAUloid or Project: Kyan Niiro
    Blog/Website: http://moresporesplz.deviantart.com/
    Status: Sex now?

    Modern UTAU RP - Page 3 Empty Re: Modern UTAU RP

    Post by Spores Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:26 pm

    Kyan then turned to see a Purpled haired girl,looking rather pissed.
    "uh you know the trouble maker Aline?"

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