Could someone please put the kana for "Keiti" in the style of "Keitei", where it has a lower case i katakana at the end? Thanks.
Yeah. This was fun. I based who was singing off of the english interpretation, guessing when who said what.
This is more of a brother/sister duet, where Keiti's lonely because all of her friends can rollerskate but can't, then Kenji offers to teach her how to rollerskate.
Keiti gets an amazing start, but when she turns around to tell Kenji how happy she is, she falls down a set of stairs. She wakes up in a dreamlike area- the "colorless wasteland" of the song- then wakes up with Kenji asking her if she's okay. "No problems" she says, but she really doesn't think so. Keiti then, in a mass of insanity, challenges him to a race down a hill-road, you know, those steep ones that you always think you'll fall on your face on. Keiti falls again, and this time, tries to choke herself to death. Kenji, seeing this, stops her from doing so by picking her up from the ground and skating around with her in his arms. Basically, the rest of the song plays out as it should in the end.
This is just my interpretation, and is not meant to be taken as incest of any kind. Rather, a brother/sister friendship.
...yeah. I thought that up a few hours ago, thinking of making an animated PV for it. X_X
Last edited by LupinAKAFlashTH2 on Sat May 29, 2010 12:54 am; edited 1 time in total