by KURENAI Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:57 am
Pffft. The last three Earthquakes I actually FELT here in Wonderland were more like Earth FARTS. Pathetic, really. The earth pooted and quivered a little. I was on the comp, and thought to myself "Well...that was...very mildly distracting." then went back to surfin' teh webz like nothing had happened. My mother, on the other hand BURST INTO MY ROOM and was like:
OMGBABYAREYOUOKAY?DIDYOUFEELTHAT?THATWASSOBAD,HUH? mother. Overreactor of the year, that woman. xD; Overlooking the fact that I'm 25 now and she STILL treats me like I'm a friggin' toddler... >_>;;