sticky plz (i have seen posts saying this but i don't see a topic fully dedicated to it)
this is a more visual description of VCV
for the people that dont know here is a small guide on the difference between VCV and CV
VCV stands for Vowel consonant vowel
CV stands for Consoant Vowel
lets try saying arigato with a cv and vcv, voice bank
cv would say it like this; ari-iga-ato which seems to flow better VCV Sample using ritsu
cv whould say it like this ; a-ri-ga-to, which doesn't flow well and sounds robotic CV Sample using ritsu
this is how it looks in utau
this is a more visual description of VCV
for the people that dont know here is a small guide on the difference between VCV and CV
VCV stands for Vowel consonant vowel
CV stands for Consoant Vowel
lets try saying arigato with a cv and vcv, voice bank
cv would say it like this; ari-iga-ato which seems to flow better VCV Sample using ritsu
cv whould say it like this ; a-ri-ga-to, which doesn't flow well and sounds robotic CV Sample using ritsu
this is how it looks in utau