So I head on to the Korean UTAU boards in the hopes of getting a Campanella VSQ (which Rukia happened to find, and which I would really really really like to have), and I find my account has gotten demoted. Why? Because apparently new standards require some long application form to be filled out to get a promoted account...(This means I can't look at any posts, btw, so I can't find the VSQ until I get my account back).
So I open up the application and...I get this thing entirely in Korean and I'm expected to answer in Korean.
I'm all right with Korean to English but not so much with English to Korean and I'm already having issues figuring out what the application even says...
So here are the questions, my failure attempts at translating (which will be nowhere near the mark given my luck) and my answers, if my translation is close:
Someone help me out. I'm so, so lost. Sansyo-nim? Rukia-nim?
(And if someone finds a Campanella ust/vsq, I probably wouldn't be in so much pain)
So I open up the application and...I get this thing entirely in Korean and I'm expected to answer in Korean.
I'm all right with Korean to English but not so much with English to Korean and I'm already having issues figuring out what the application even says...
So here are the questions, my failure attempts at translating (which will be nowhere near the mark given my luck) and my answers, if my translation is close:
- Spoiler:
- 밑에 질문에 정성을 다해서 답해주세요.
답이 이 까페에게 맞지 않거나 해가 될꺼 같은 분들은 바로 등급신청이 거절되고 잘 하면 탈퇴까지 갈 수 있습니다.
본 글은 읽어진 후 다른 게시판으로 옮겨집니다.
그리고 또한 가입인사는 신입-->우타우초보자 등업을 하시는데 필요한 부분입니다. (I'm not even gonna try this)
1)어떻게 해서 들어오셨나요? (How did you hear about us, I think it says. Or something like that. Uh, through Rukia?)
2)우타우에 대해서 어떻게 생각합니까? (Something about what you think about the UTAU program...I think it's...easy?)
3)보컬로이드/보컬로이드 자캐/자캐와 우타우는 무슨 연관이 있다고 생각합니까? 또한 이 까페와의 연관도요? (It's asking something about the difference between Vocaloid and UTAU, and something about the forum. Well, we all know the difference between Vocaloid and UTAU...)
4)여기는 사용자 위주입니다. 우타우 CV와 사용자의 차이점을 얘기해보세요. (Asking to define a "user" and a "CV UTAU", I think...)
5)공지를 다 읽고 오셨겠죠? 그럼 가장 눈에 띄는 부분들을 얘기해보세요. (Write some of the forum rules, I think - I'm completely lost)
6)하고 싶은 말: (Anything you want to say here)
전멤버분들은 이것을 작성하여 주세요.---------------------------
1) 새 마음으로 즐거운 출발 합시다. 소감을 써 주세요. (?)
2) 목소리 없이 자캐로 여기를 활동하는것에 대하여 어떻게 생각하시나요? (No idea)
3) 멤버분들께 하고싶은 말씀을 적어주세요. (I'm totally lost)
4) 앞으로 카페에서의 다짐을 써 주세요. (writing about cafes in general? Not being a Naver user I'm not too familiar with them)
5) ※공지사항 수시로 읽어주세요※ (read the rules?)
6)현재 쓰시고 계신 우타우를 적어주시고 CV가 되실 예정이 있으신지 말해주세요. (Any voicebanks you might use - I use overseas mostly)
7)CV가 되시고 싶으시다면 음원 만들 계획을 자세히 적어주세요.
(녹음 방법, 음원 보충 방법, 발음 갯수, 시간당 몇개씩, 언어 등) (something about recording voicebanks, which I do CV)
8)우타우 소프트웨어의 의도는? (how to improve UTAU if you could)
Someone help me out. I'm so, so lost. Sansyo-nim? Rukia-nim?
(And if someone finds a Campanella ust/vsq, I probably wouldn't be in so much pain)