Thanks to haloheroine, i was able to fix the OTOs and now she sounds much better! Thanks haloheroine~
Here is her now:
I'm really new to OTOs and don't completely understand them yet.. I'm helping a friend make her UTAU for practice, but I want to make sure her OTOs sound good! Here's a sample of what I have done so far. Please tell me if they are okay/what I should fix.
Just press play to hear. I believe her "Ko" sounds a bit airy, but I'm pressing that one on the recording and not the oto. uou Even still, it's hard to get "kokoro" for me. Instead I get "k-k-ro". Any thoughts?
Here is her now:
Just press play to hear. I believe her "Ko" sounds a bit airy, but I'm pressing that one on the recording and not the oto. uou Even still, it's hard to get "kokoro" for me. Instead I get "k-k-ro". Any thoughts?
Last edited by hello8bit on Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:06 pm; edited 2 times in total