by hello8bit Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:45 pm
Haha no problem guys. I know what you mean, I used to just pick whatever, and most everything was super bright and contrasty. When i found Kuler it helped me find more interesting colour choices and tones. So I'm glad it can be useful to you!
Also, if you would like to figure out schemes by their technical terms, check out this website: can change the saturation and hues and whatnot. Even if they don't give you exact colours you like, based on what you pick (ie triad, complementary, tetrad, etc) you can mess around with palettes in whichever art program you are using. ^v^
Also keep in mind that a lot of palettes done on Kuler are made by non-experts like you and me, so be wise in choosing which schemes you plan to go with. non/