I've decided to give up on UTAU for the time being. But the reason why is pretty stupid/wierd/strange.
Earlier I wanted to try and give Kii an ACT3, using Audacity. When I got to "sa" and "shi", when I played them in UTAU they sounded so slurry, even with the oto.
SSSSSSssss-aaaaaaaa/SSSsssss-shiiiiii <- something like that, even though I recorded the sounds like normal.
I don't know why UTAU did that, but I got so mad because I had to keep re-recording in hope that it could be fixed. I was wrong. (Mind you, this was version 2.71 of UTAU.)
So, I'm giving up for. At least, until a newer version of UTAU comes around. When that happens, I'll be back to fixing my UTAUs in no time.
It doesn't mean I'll be leaving the UTAU Forums, though. I'll still be here, checking in on things.
Earlier I wanted to try and give Kii an ACT3, using Audacity. When I got to "sa" and "shi", when I played them in UTAU they sounded so slurry, even with the oto.
SSSSSSssss-aaaaaaaa/SSSsssss-shiiiiii <- something like that, even though I recorded the sounds like normal.
I don't know why UTAU did that, but I got so mad because I had to keep re-recording in hope that it could be fixed. I was wrong. (Mind you, this was version 2.71 of UTAU.)
So, I'm giving up for. At least, until a newer version of UTAU comes around. When that happens, I'll be back to fixing my UTAUs in no time.
It doesn't mean I'll be leaving the UTAU Forums, though. I'll still be here, checking in on things.