I don't think many people know me or my UTAU that much..XD; I'm not very social(*is shy*), so hi!!
My UTAUloid is Higure Kajiku/Kakou and her genderbend is Keimei Kuroji(who doesn't have a set design). I hope I get to make many friends and get better at UTAU~ As of now, I suck at it.^^;;
If you want to know, my Youtube is UkimeKageku~!^^ And I really love critique for my UTAUloid(s) if possible; it'll really help me out a lot!
My UTAUloid is Higure Kajiku/Kakou and her genderbend is Keimei Kuroji(who doesn't have a set design). I hope I get to make many friends and get better at UTAU~ As of now, I suck at it.^^;;
If you want to know, my Youtube is UkimeKageku~!^^ And I really love critique for my UTAUloid(s) if possible; it'll really help me out a lot!