First, it started in the UTAU-only RP, where Rasha started pairing Amagaku x Aline (I won't mention the isolated case where people on FS asked Aline x Kenta stuff because FS is cracky).
Then, I've noticed that Aline and Tony sing nicely together. Ao, erm Aline x Tony? Tony x Aline? I dunno.
Then, Nixx mentioned something about Aline x Kenta to me, and I have no idea on why, as well as Malchik told me she made Aline sing with Kenta and they sounded like a rave... Aline x Kenta, because Kenta can't be seme XD
And I dunno if Hito Uzune and Mia Kakune would be good pairings for Aline... But the way things are going, if she gets paired with werewolfloids, I'll rename her to Bellappoid! XDDDD