I always thought it'd be fun to do a voice-acted drama with our own voices over little drawn animations. (I wanted to do some myself with just Tansei, Karen, and Ladata)
Does anyone else like this idea? Then maybe we could start putting together scripts and one-shots and stuff. -w-; Of course, if there are people we want to include/people that want to be included but don't want to act, we could always do stand ins...
I unno, I just thought it was neat. xD And a little different, as opposed to talkloids and such.. And since atleast two other people like this idea I'll go ahead and state whats needed... xD
(basically who we can use in drama plots)
Emiko / CDChan
Karen, Tansei, & Ladata / vio.
Kazuko / Chase
Kazumi / May-chan
Kenji / Lupin
Lilith, Kii, Fuyu / Tsumanne
Mathieu / Mathieu
Moriko / theenigma
Rion / xMienaiTsubasa
Sara, Piris / Ketsu
Siana / MariRoseTanir
Yuugi / smeen
Yuuta / keitocchi
+ Apollo, Luna / Luna
(those who will provide as many as 5-20 little drawings for each assigned drama)
(those who can collaborate with the masuta's and other scripters each drama)
Basically, I was thinking, each 1-3 weeks a script team collaborates with the artist assigned that drama, and the masuta's of the UTAU used in that drama, as well as myself (I'll act as head-honcho and director, lol xD).
Here would be a typical schedule for the teams:
*1-3 days of new term;
We'll discuss a general plot HERE, or over MSN group-chat. Decide which characters from the roster to use and ideas for the mini-drama. The ones contributing most to the plot will be assigned to a "Script Team"- A team of 2 or more people to collaborate on the script.
*4-10 days of new term;
The script-writers will MSN-Group chat and collaborate on the script together, and invite the masuta's occasionally to see development. I'll also ask for an invite to check on progress.
*6-12 days of term;
During scriptwriting process, we'll discuss which artists to consider for the accompanying visual. We'll approach an artist with the offer; they do have the right to decline- We will not force it upon you. You have atleast a week or more to finish the drawings based upon the script you are given. I will ask you for sample images and progress occasionally.
*12-? days of term;
Upon completion of the script, the masuta's will receive the script to voice act off of. If you are in need of digital editing to make your voice that of your UTAUs, I can help you there with editing in REAPER. I'll work with you to find the perfect setting in the program for your voice and send you a couple samples if you send me a short sample of your voice. You have as long as you need to record the dialouge, but please keep it to a week of recording time. I'd appreciate multiple versions of a few lines so I can pick and choose what fits best ;>
*after recording is done;
I'll put it together in Sony Vegas along with the finished art pieces and upload it to Youtube :D
You do not need to color the images, this is a simple (at most) 8 minute drama. You can do simple chibis and lineart. I'm not asking much~ Though, on special occasions, I'd like colored art.
We will not put your UTAU in a situation you don't approve of. And we will only use UTAU pledged to us. If you need help rendering your voice in likeness of your UTAU, I can help you out with digital editing ;>
You must have MSN. Add me @ TheViolentAlice-AT-Live-DOT-COM. You must also be willing to work with the Masuta's requests and with each other. Thank you.
Even if you do not want to voice your character, you can still lend the character for script purposes (That'd be appreciated). Though, if necessary, we'll do a stand-in actor WITH your permission.. And even if you have an accent, It's fine. It'll add some sort of differentiation. xD
(* - Indicates Masuta Needs a Stand-in)
Last edited by vio. on Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:10 pm; edited 17 times in total