Umm, my name's M0NSTER (eh, that's just a username, lol). Yeah, I'm 13, and I created by UTAUloid (who's name may change!) who I've named Taiyo Tsutedo (Taiyo = first name, Tsutedo = last name)
I use my real voice, and I don't edit anything when I make her voice back (I'm not done yet, ahaha) except for removing white noise in the background to make the sound quality clearer.
Umm...what else, I have a deviantART ( where I keep some of my UTAUloid's concept art, but right now I'm on a Hiatus there.
My UTAUloid's been successful in singing Melt (by Hatsune Miku) but only like...the first few seconds.
So, just Hi! ^u^ This place looks like a nice forum.