I was trying to find out more about the new engine when i found this- http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11998808
So i downloaded the ust it gave out and i opened it and nothing like the video (which i kinda of expected even though i already have shareware >.>) So i think it's not just a new resampler. It's a new engine and/or a new version of UTAU. I can't wait till the m4 engine is release (if it is gonna be relased) but i guess we'll just have to wait for now until there's more videos and information about it~
So i downloaded the ust it gave out and i opened it and nothing like the video (which i kinda of expected even though i already have shareware >.>) So i think it's not just a new resampler. It's a new engine and/or a new version of UTAU. I can't wait till the m4 engine is release (if it is gonna be relased) but i guess we'll just have to wait for now until there's more videos and information about it~