If you're wondering, I was talking to Scarfu and TheFallenInfant on Skype about how we could create a group where everyone (except perhaps the trolls, since they're up to no good) would be able to enter and help each other with designs. After I and Scarfu were discussing about how weak Aline was as a character (Mary-Sue backstory and stuff), I decided that we should make it a complete workshop.
Note that we won't force our ideas on other people; they modify their characters if they want to. What we're planning to do is to create a breeding ground for good ideas that could help unite the fandom and stop the whole bashing that's going on.
It might be a good idea, it might not be, but I'm sure that who isn't good in design, art or character development can help as well, even if it's just by telling the idea they wanted to have but couldn't execute (just so other people can make it better), or by spreading the word.
Just a final remind: Scarfu and TheFallenInfant didn't know I created this thread up to after I published, so, they might not agree with everything said here xD; Please, understand it before bashing this idea and its thread.