From youtube:
Woooooo, simple cover of a simple song -- ... well, simple in terms for you guys to listen to XD You'd be surprised how difficult this ust was to make! It was mainly the stringing of the notes so that they'd sound like smooth "u"'s rather than U U U U U and stuff. I just used my regular method but it was very tedious... orz;;;
Anywayyyyyy, Urschrei is my favorite female UTAU ever, and I've been meaning to use her ever since the very very VERY first time I downloaded her, but I couldn't ever find a song that was suited for her voice... This song seemed perfect for her though in terms of both quality and her general voice type, and I've been meaning to make this ust on my quest to do all of the When They Cry usts, so it was a wonderful fit. *u* I also feel kind of bad lately, because for some reason I feel like I've been troubling people like Gelato and Haka on twitter with the drama I'm involved in when they're usually so drama free, so... orz;;; I'm thankful that both of them put up with me XDDD
I've decided that for a while, I'm not publicly releasing my usts. There are two reasons for this:
1) I'm getting very, VERY tired of seeing my usts get 50+ downloads and only getting like TWO comments on the original video
2) I've been hearing rumors that apparently a lot of my subbers are only nice to my face because they want me to keep making usts -- and that behind my back, they're spreading false rumors.
So until I either start getting feedback, or until I see you guys prove that I'm not some god damn drama tower, my usts are private and for friends/commenters only. orz I realize that this is probably immature, but this is what I feel best doing for now orz;;; I'm sorry it had to come to this orz;;
It's 5AM now orz;;; to bed~