Posts : 83 Notes : 302 Reputation : 7 Join date : 2010-01-09 Age : 31 Location : Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
UTAU Information UTAUloid or Project: Family UTAUloids- Rikai Rippa, Otouto Shinjitsu Blog/Website: Status: working on a friends voicebank/ concept art and making
UTAU Information UTAUloid or Project: OS Models & MS Models Blog/Website: Status: Vista: ACT 2 BETA; Mahoune Emi: OTOs being done by Arissa
Posts : 15 Notes : 220 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2010-01-12 Age : 32
UTAU Information UTAUloid or Project: Ariella Blog/Website: Status: Act 1 finished, working on seperate VB for gender bend Richard
I haven't tried remaking Ariella's .frq files, but what I have noticed is that the freesamp MASSIVELY improves Ariella and makes her sound more mature and kicks out the robotic tone. It even helps heal up her VCVs.
Also, when working with Teto's older bank (before she had VCVs, she just had a prefix map) I discovered that this sampler does GREAT with a prefix map. I'm going to try using Momo and see if Momo keeps her clarity and see what it does for her 2009 bank.
This is what I made. I must say. PREFIX MAPS ARE A MUST WITH THIS RESAMPLER. You WILL get nasal sounds otherwise when you try to make your UTAU sing higher notes.
Hmmm, I'd like to know more about prefix maps too, Kaen needs a little bit more range for songs like Rotten Boy Grotesque Romance and Meltdown and such.
basiclly what prefix maps do is tell utau what octove note to use.
you know how some voicebanks have ↓ka ↑ka and ka well the prefix maps tell utau what octoves to use them in lets say your non-↓↑ samples have a range of c3-c4 well basiclly you tell utau via prefix map to use ↑ka for every ka above c4 and ↓ka for every ka below c3... someone can explain this better •_•
i really don't think the new fresamp is the the new engine. and plus utau looks really different.. see all the stuff at the bottom of the video.. it's almost like vocaloid. just a new resampler 'could make utaus sound so real. i'm sure it's a lot more~
Yeah, you need a NND account. If you don't have one, meanwhile you can listen to this -> It's not the same video, but it's still a test of this new "m4 engine", so you can listen how it sounds. Anyway, I still suggest you to make an account on Nico, though, that video shows more interesting stuff in the interface that isn't shown in the one I linked.
It would be nice if they did some songs with the new engine with Defoko, just so we could see how much she improves. Teto is already good, but if you took Defoko and made her sound godessly, I'd be much more excited.
im almost positive that if it comes out (it will at some point, but i doubt it will come out any time soon) it wont automatically fix you utau. =P it'll be alot of work to make them sound beautifull like in that one video. Alot like vocaloid i guess. they can sound OK without any pitch editing or anything, but they can sound freaking godlike if you know what youre doing @A@
Green is just the color that user mods their UTAU to. The nice effect is probably fresamplers help, but in any case you would need a great oto file to make it sound any good at all JUST LIKE BEFORE. > 3>