by mystsaphyr Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:58 pm
Did no one read my first post? ^^;
There will be a -light theme and a dark theme- and -I'm replacing all the orange-
I'm just working on the dark theme first for the fun of it xD; *likes dark themes, but knows others don't*
The layout right now is stretchable, that's why it's so wide. I was planning to limit it to around the same width as this forum since the Cbox I added has a static width. That way things will be neater. Otherwise it'd be WIDEFORUMtinychatbox and it'd look all strange.
I was iffy about the Farewells forum, too, idk if I'll keep it or not. I might remove it since I found that there's actually a nice status feature that people can use to post "going on hiatus" if they so wish c:
And while it looks intimidating right now with the dark theme, another reason I'm narrowing it is to make the background more interesting and lighter so it's not just ....UTTER DARKNESS. Also, the orange icons aren't just gonna be replace with other-colored folders, I'm going to make them a little more interesting than that xD
I might throw Defoko in there somewhere to brighten things up c:
All I have to say right now is while I understand you guys are nervous about the move, it's something that needs to be done :C I simply can't stand forumotion anymore. It's hard to moderate, hard to organize, and looks super cluttered and frankly just... sucks. Really, if there was a way I could fix this one, I would. But I can't. I've tried. :C
Thanks for the feedback, though ;u; I hope to make it look a lot better than what it looks like right now~